This is what I see as I step out the front door of our house...a long driveway, with our remote-controlled gate at the end. The gate is topped with electric fencing as well.
At first, living behind this wall was very unsettling, to say the least. I've gotten used to it. This is the way everyone here lives. It's a shame you have to barricade yourself in your 'compound'. Break-ins are not uncommon, unfortunately. Thus all the security measures and precautions.
Shortly after moving here, a friend told me, "You will get used to living behind the wall. And one day, when you look out your windows, you will not see the burglar bars on the windows, or the spikes and electric fencing along the top of your wall. You will look beyond them." She was absolutely right.
This is what I see when looking out my kitchen window.
I see the bright orange honeysuckle, and the abundance of banana trees.
I also see the lettuces growing in the planter box.
I see the bright orange honeysuckle, and the abundance of banana trees.
I also see the lettuces growing in the planter box.
Looking out this angle from my kitchen window, I see this extremely tall palm tree, and the beautiful blue Botswana sky.
Yes, I also see the mop on the clothes line...and the window thermometer. :-)
Yes, I also see the mop on the clothes line...and the window thermometer. :-)
To me, it's all about how you CHOOSE to look at things. I choose to look for the good. I am blessed beyond measure and have much to be thankful for.
Stay tuned for my next post...which will be about 'special meat cuts' at the nearby grocery store.