Thursday, October 8, 2009

Love Letter

As a mom with children that are growing up way too fast - I treasure each and every "I love you Mommy" note from them. This masterpiece was created by our youngest. (Sidenote: When I pulled out the camera she KNEW the pic would end up on the blog. She wasn't too happy about that. "Mom! It's private!" I told her my friends in blog-land would really like it - so she smiled and posed for me.)

And what pr0mpted this love letter to Mommy, you may ask? Spelling! I am using Spelling Power© this year with this girl. So far, we both like it better than what we had been using. B's favorite part is the 'spelling review time' from the Spelling Power Activity Task Cards©. Today she used the label maker to type out and print the spelling words she had missed (hockey, bottom, hospital).....we made up a funny sentence with those words "The hockey player fell on his bottom and had to go to the hospital." We thought it was funny. Anyway, she went beyond those three spelling words and created this love letter for me. It's a keeper!

Here's the closeup.

1 comment:

  1. That's just the sweetest thing, ever!

    Please tell your sweet girl thank you for sharing! It made this mama smile!
