Friday, August 27, 2010

1st Day of the New School Year!

We started our new school year (2010-2011) this week. This is our 7th year of homeschooling the girls! Wow.

For the first-day-of-school breakfast, the girls had pancakes..and good ol' Aunt Jemima syrup from the US. Pancakes for breakfast are a treat - since we usually have just cereal. ('Syrup' here in Gabs is like honey.)

Our oldest is now in 6th grade.
She's 'stunned' somewhat, by all those books!

Sister, now a 4th grader, had to get in on the 'stunned' act.

These are the bookcases in our school room. Each of the girls have their own shelf on which to keep their books - which helps keep our school days simple and organized. The teacher books are on numerous shelves. Reference materials, extra school supplies, etc. are also on these shelves. A place for everything and everything in its place. My motto.

Thankful for the freedom to teach our girls at their pace AND to be able to choose curriculum for their learning style. This is a privilege I don't take for granted.


  1. Happy School Year! A lot of those books look very familiar...and the looks on your girls' faces can still be found on my kids. (4 weeks into our new year :D)

    Miss you!

  2. Best wishes for your new school year! Don't you just love fresh, new books, papers and pencils? :)
