Saturday, March 26, 2011

Ummm...How Many Lanes?

So glad I had the camera with me to take a picture of this ridiculous - and common scene!!!! There is only one real lane here - but as you can see by the cars, they've made 2 more lanes (the shoulder of the road - and squeezing in where possible)! All this nonsense because drivers choose not to be orderly and wait their turn - they'd rather cut in on someone else.
The person in the light blue 4-door sedan tried to maneuver (cut) his way in front of me - was only inches from me! I guess he decided the SUV I was driving was bigger than him, and that he'd move on to cut in on someone else. BTW this area of Gaborone is near the Riverwalk shopping mall where a road widening project is underway. This is a highly congested traffic area - especially on pay day weekends (the last weekend of the month).

How many of the names/words on this sign can you pronounce? 'Phase', 'residential', 'airport' and 'industrial' don't count! HA Here's a little pronunciation guide to help:
Lobatse (lah-BAHT-see)
Kanye (CAN-ye)
Molepolole (MOH-lee-po-LOW-lee) Some just say 'Moleps' (moh-leps)
Palapye (pah-LOHP-ye)
Mochudi (moh-CHEW-dee)

Notice the green 'tent' to the right of the sign? That's a road side 'tuck shop'. A table set up to sell snacks to whomever walks by.

In another part of town, (these are all over the place) more road side 'tuck shops'. The one on the right has a neat set up with a permanently parked trailer/camper. No, I've never stopped at one of these. But the ones that sell the freshly roasted corn-on-the-cob look very tempting.

This restaurant in a part of Gabs known as Broadhurst serves quite a variety of foods!!! They sell pizza, barbeque, Indian food and 'food'.

Babies bustled up on the backs of their mamas.

Hope you enjoyed a few glimpses of Gaborone. Quite an interesting place!


  1. Great pics Karen! Makes me miss Gabs!

  2. Well, there is a "tuck shop" on 98 just east of 6 Forks Rd.! No kidding, this lady set up an on-going "yard sale" on a vacant spot a few months ago, & recently when Paul came by on his way home from work in Wake Forest, he said she is now selling hotdogs there!
