Thursday, December 31, 2009

Tidbits & Trivia Thursday - Gaborone, Botswana

In an attempt to 'keep up' with my cool Blogger buddies that have a weekly posting theme - I thought I'd share some of the interesting, weird, fascinating, quirky, unusual, just plain strange things that make you say "huh?" about life in Gabs.

I'll start with our selection of chips from the local grocery stores. NOTE: These 'chips' are not to be confused with the 'chips' (AKA 'fries') you might order at a restaurant here. Another note - something I learned from my South African friend - there are 2 versions of fries here: the long, skinny ones (like McD's) are called 'fries'; the thicker ones are called 'chips'. (Most restaurants here serve 'chips'.)

On to the potato chips! Plain potato chips are sometimes difficult to find in stores. Really! Folks here have some unique taste buds. Take a look at these chip flavors. WARNING! This might cause a craving for junk food - of which, I cannot be held liable.

My fav - Caribbean Onion & Balsamic Vinegar

#2 choice: Mozzarella & Basil

#3 choice: Sea Salt & Crushed Black Pepper

Honorable Mention: Thai Sweet Chilli
Not bad - just isn't in my Top #3

The pototo chip flavor you will not find? Barbecue.

Wanna know the kicker about the bags of chips here? They are sold in 2 sizes. Small and smaller. The 'regular' size bag is 125g (everything here is metric - remember?). That equates to about 4 oz. at a cost of P7.25 which equates to approximately $1.00. The smaller bag is the size my mom used to pack in my lunch box for school.

I think I'll be shipping some of the COBV chips to myself before we leave here for good.


  1. The Browns are putting in an order for Thai Sweet Chili!

  2. The Brownings would like a bag of the same! I wonder why you can't get these flavors here..I'd love to try the balsamic flavor. be honest, this country could use the small and smaller bags. Might help the scale to read smaller numbers. Just sayin'.

    Love this post and can't wait for more!
