Sunday, January 3, 2010

Bananas Anyone?

We are going to have a gi-normous crop of bananas this year!! We have 4 or 5 (I've lost count!) banana trees that are producing this season --- producing a total of 6 really large bunches.

One of the trees had 2 large bunches. The weight of one of the bunches (the one shown here) brought down part of the tree! Though the bananas are still very green, we are hoping they will ripen.

In talking with a friend here today, who grew up in Hawaii, she told us that her dad would hang up an entire banana bunch in a cool place, so they could easily cut of the bananas. Well, we don't exactly have a cool place here in Gabs!! But, the covered patio will have to suffice.

Since the bunch weighs at least 20 pounds, we couldn't exactly hang it from the ceiling - so my ingenious husband rigged a way to hang the bananas. (See 2nd photo) Pretty clever, huh?

The last picture shows the 'cushion' for the bananas, in case they decide to come tumblin' down!

We look forward to sharing these and the other bunches with our friends here. Plus, I'll be making more banana bread. :-)


  1. Fabulous!!! How much fun for your family and how yummy!

  2. OK, so I was able to not covet your warm temps (especially since I'M FREEZING!)..I was able to see the beautiful pool picture without dreaming about a warm day at my pool...the potato chips almost got me...but, now this is too much!

    I love bananas and I want my own banana tree.

    There. I hope you're happy.
